
Listening to the vibration of your energy

My name is Outi Pesu Pollock. I can listen to your core essence, your soul. While I am listening, you have the opportunity to calm down to listen to your essence yourself. That’s when the healing happens: when you’re connected to your soul.

You get an experience of what it is like to use your body as an instrument for listening to energy vibrations. You can develop your sensitivity to listen. All there is, is energy. Being able to listen to the energy is a good starting point where ever you’d like to go and what ever you’d like to do.



The listening happens so that you either sit on a chair or lie on a sofa, your back towards me. I contact the field around your backside. I do not need to touch you or your clothes.

You get the best result if you close your eyes, stay quiet and concentrate on listening, what you feel inside your body.

When you book your appointment, let us know if you want to listen to your own energy or if you want to focus on listening to nature itself. The recommendation is to listen to your own energy first and then listen to nature's energies second. Children under 18 years of age need a signed consent from a guardian.

Book an appointment


Price list

Payment by cash at the time of appointment. You will receive a receipt for the service.

  • 80 €/ h
  • 60 €/ h (unemployed, students and pensioners)

If you are in a difficult financial situation and cannot afford the above prices, please make a suggestion of the price you could pay. I will see how I can accommodate your request.


Background information

What is ahead of its time, is often said to be really dark. When you create something that is truly your own, you have to go through several creative fires. You are being tested. I am not doing this work alone. I have a collective that I have tested and that I trust upon supporting me in this work.


About Sustainability

Sustainability is considered in our operations by minimizing negative environmental, social, and economic impacts in everything we do. At the same time, we aim to maximize positive effects on local communities and ecosystems. Here are some concrete actions we take related to responsibility:

  • Actively monitoring and reducing our carbon footprint

  • Supporting local businesses by sourcing goods and services locally

  • Minimizing waste generation

  • Composting organic waste and utilizing resulting material as a growth medium

  • Actively participating in local community activities and development projects

  • Actively communicating our sustainability efforts to our customers

We have also embarked on Visit Finland's Responsible Tourism STF Path, and as part of this path, we are seeking Biosphere certification to demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.


Plant Water

Recipe for Plant Water

Choose a flower, a leaf or an other part of a plant in nature. Ask the plant if you may take the part of the plant with you.

Pour water, for example spring water, in a glass. Put the plant part in the water. If you like, you can put your hands around the glass without touching the glass.

Ask in your mind the plant to release its information in the water and teach you with the help of the water. Also ask the water to teach you. Thank the plant and thank the water.

Drink the water during the day or during several days. You can also apply the water on your skin or let the water stay in the glass and rehydrate and refresh the air in the room.

You can also let the rays of the sun or the moonlight or the wind touch the water and the plant part in the water. Or you can hum, sing or play to the water.

If you keep the water outside in the summer in the evening or during the night, may be good to cover the dish with a cheese cloth or a mesh fabric so that mosquitoes don’t have access to it.

The Base for Plant Water

Canada’s First Nations’ peoples Moon Water: let the water stay in a pot in the moonlight over night, refrigerate in the morning, use as healing water.

Masaru Emoto: water remembers with whom or what it has been in contact with and what they were like.

Dr Gerard Pollack: The Fourth Phase of Water: like a gel. On YouTube.

Andrea Mathieson (www.ravenessences.comwww.andreamathieson.com): flower essences, essence definitions, communing with nature

Dr Adam Dreamhealer McLeod: The Power of Intention in Self Healing, basics of Quantum Physics applied

The indigenous peoples’ world view: all there is, is alive and has a soul

Plant Water, Conclusions

All in nature reads the vibration of your energy field. When you ask a plant and the water to teach you, the vibration of your energy field changes to suitable for communing with them.

All in nature harmonizes its energy vibration to those in its proximity. Except for mankind only partially. Energy vibration is the language of nature.

Ethics: I cannot try to change a person’s energy field without the person’s permission. Even with the person’s permission the changing would not likely be very successful. What I can do is to listen to the person’s energy vibration and change my own. My own vibration I can change as much as I want to and am able to. That is already half the communication with a person.

When I change my vibration, my relationships change. The people around me may change, some people will leave and other people come. Also, what I expect of people in leading positions, spiritual leaders or spirits may change.

First of all: I don’t need to rely on what is said, talked or written. I am able to check what the energy vibration feels to me. Best face to face, but on many levels even online. I make my decisions accordingly. Be they right or wrong, I have made them myself.



Tilsalankatu 65, Lappeenranta, Finland

Public Transport: bus #8 to Rutola from the center of Lappeenranta, leave the bus at Vanhanpellonkatu bus stop, approx. a 35 minute bus ride from the center and a 5 minute walk

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